International Mathematics Competition
for University Students

Select Year:

IMC 2025
  Problems & Solutions

to take place

2nd – 8th August 2021

London’s Global University



IMC will be ON-LINE

We were hoping that IMC could return to American University in Bulgaria in Blagoevgrad and it could be held in the traditional way. But, due to the uncertaninity in the pandemic situation and the various travel restrictions and quarantine regulations, the Organizers decided to hold the upcoming IMC on-line.

We hope that we can meet in person next year so that next year's competition in 2022 will a residential competition and a condition of participation is that all participating students stay in the Hall of Residence provided by the organisers.


Every participating university enters several Students and one or more Team Leaders. Individual students without a Team Leader are welcome.

The competition is planned for students completing their first, second, third or fourth year of university education with a maximum age of participants being 23 years of age at the time of the competition, although exceptions can be made. There is no minimum age limit.

Each Team Leader is expected to hold an academic position in a Faculty of the Institution that they represent. The Team Leaders have to organize invigilating the students' work and ensure that their work is fair.

All Team Leaders are expected to participate in evaluating the student's scripts.

Subjects of the contest

Problems are from the fields of Algebra, Analysis (Real and Complex), Geometry and Combinatorics. The working language is English.

Selection of the Problems

The problems are chosen by the International Problem Selection Committee from those received in advance by the President of the Jury, Professor John Jayne.


The students' work is evaluated by Team Leaders and other Professors and Assistant Professors using criteria provided by the Jury.

Teams Contest

Although this is an individual event, the Universities traditionally divide their participants into groups of four each. The number of students in the teams is, however, not fixed. Each Team's result will be computed as the sum of the three best students and the average of the team.

IMC Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee watches and guides he participants and help them keep fair and honest. The chairman of the Committee is Ivan the Confessor.

News and announcements

Summary of the two contest days

Day 1SolutionsPagesTotal size
Problem 1558964330 MB
Problem 25221107397 MB
Problem 3474860303 MB
Problem 4303396125 MB
Day 2SolutionsPagesTotal size
Problem 5523882305 MB
Problem 6417731258 MB
Problem 7318428127 MB
Problem 8463896341 MB

Problem selection

The contest problems will be selected by the International Problem Selection Committee. There will be no jury meeting for problem selection.

Opening and Closing Ceremony

We plan YouTube broadcasts from the IMC's YouTube channel.

The Opening Ceremony starts on 2 August, 14:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

The Closing Ceremony starts on 7 August, 14:00 UTC.

Please check your time zone for your local time.

Contest Days

The two contest days are 3 and 4 August.

On each day, there will be 4 problems for 4 hours each day. The students must write their solutions on A4 or US letter papers. Only the standard drawing tools (pens, straightedges etc.) and printed dictionaries are allowed. Using any electronic tool or printed material is not allowed. The scripts should not contain any text, name or mark from which the student can be identified. The language of the contest is English; solutions written in other languages will not be evaluated.

The teams are free to choose when to start the exam, but all members of the team should start at the same time, with downloading and printing the problems. The problems will be accessible from 0:00 UTC; all downloads will be logged.

We will organize two Virtual Contest Halls for teamless students. You have to choose between these possibilities. Warning! the starting time in the Asian Hall has changed.

  • In the Asian Hall we will start the contest at 6:00 UTC and finish at 10:00 UTC. For example, this is 13:00 to 17:00 in Hanoi and Novosibirsk and 12:00 to 16:00 in Bangladesh.
  • In the Oceanian Hall we start at 14:00 UTC and finish at 18:00 UTC. This is 9:00 to 13:00 in Mexico City and 11:00 to 15:00 in Rio de Janeiro.
The links to the Contest Halls will be sent in e-mail.


The Team Leaders have to organize the invigilation of all their students and ensure that their work is fair. Students who are not invigilated will be removed from the results.

If personal invigilation is not possible, the team leader watches the students by video calls like Zoom, Google Meet, Skype etc. In that case the students have to set up a webcamera that captures the place. The video must show the student and his desk. No computer screen is allowed in front of the students and the students should not wear ear- and headphones. (See the pictures below.)

If you are a teamless student, you have to set up a webcamera yourself that captures you and your desk. It is allowed to use only one camera if there are more students in the same room. By 15 minutes before start, you have to connect the video, download and print the problems. The video link will be sent you by e-mail.

Preparing and uploading solutions

At the end of the exam, each student has to produce 5 files, containing the solutions:

Day 1Day 2

The scripts must be uploaded as soon as possible after the 4 work hours has passed.

For creating the files it is recommended to use the application named CamScanner, available both for Android and Apple based cell phones. Using CamScanner it is easy to make photographs of the papers, crop, resize and rearrange the pages and save the pictures into a PDF. If your phone has internet connection, you can upload the files immediately.

Each student will receive his personal upload link. Please use only your own link.

For a demonstration, we made a short video. Please view it to see how to use CamScanner. Test different camera settings; perhaps it is better if flash is switched on.


All leaders are expected to participate in grading. We created a project at ZulipChat for the grading discussion. All Team Leaders will be invited there. Further information for Team Leaders will be posted in ZulipChat.


Please don't leave registration to the last moment. Each student has to enter his Team Leader, in order to declare that they belong to that team. The Team Leader also has to enter their team members' e-mail addresses. In both cases, the address must be typed precisely. We have seen several difficulties caused by using multiple e-mail addresses, mixing lower and upper case letters or putting spaces in e-mail addresses. We try to correct errors. If you have any difficulty, please contact the organizers.

The registration fee is 25 GBP (British Pounds) for students who belong to a team, so both the student and their team leader must declare that the student belongs to the team. In all other cases the student is considered "teamless" and their fee is 50 GBP (British Pounds). There is no fee for Team Leaders.

The deadline for paying the registration fee is 30 July. From 31 July, registration will be closed and all students who did not pay, and all leaders who are not leaders or deputy leaders of a team, will be deleted.